mercredi 13 avril 2016

6 Amazing Reasons This Mom Can't Lose Her Baby Weight

The following post was originally featured on Carriage Before Marriage and written by Amy Wruble, who is part of POPSUGAR Select Moms.

My baby is turning one. While a lot of mamas are back to their pre-pregnancy weight by then, I've still got a ways to go. And frankly, I don't really care. In fact, I bristle at the implication that I or any recently pregnant lady should be racing to shrink down. (Shut up, tabloids.)

Here are the many excellent reasons why I can't possibly lose the baby weight right now, thank you very much. And if you need an excuse, feel free to borrow one of mine!

  1. I use carbs to keep me awake.
  2. My spare tire provides a nice cushion for the baby, like a human Boppy pillow.
  3. It's bad enough I yell sometimes from being tired and overwhelmed. If I was tired, overwhelmed and starving, they'd have to call CPS.
  4. Full-fat dairy is recommended for one-year-olds. It's also delicious.
  5. Why pay for a gym membership I'll never use when I could spend that money on Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime?
  6. Counting calories requires brain cells I lost from being pregnant twice.

Don't stop now! Head over to to keep reading . . .

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