mardi 19 avril 2016

Get Rid of Fruit Flies Fast

Summer equals fruit flies in my home. I love ripe fruits and veggies, which isn't a good combination with warm weather. And I refuse to put them in the fridge and lose out on all that delicious and healthy goodness. So how to deal with those itty-bitty pests? We found this smart solution on Pinterest and had to give it a try.

  1. To create the all-natural fruit-fly trap, add one-fourth cup apple cider vinegar to a small wide-mouth container. Add a few drops of your favorite dish soap, and top with water, creating a nice layer of bubbles.
  2. Place the fruit-fly trap next to the infestation, and watch as the little buggers get caught up in the layer of bubbles. The flies are attracted to the smell of the apple cider vinegar and then (kind of sadly, but not) meet their fate in the suds.
  3. Scoop the layer of fruit flies from the container with a spoon, and discard. Top with more water and soap to use as long as needed. Bye-bye, fruit flies!

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