mardi 19 avril 2016
Little Changes That Will Make You a Happier Person
You don't have to drop all of your cash or change up your entire life in order to make happiness happen. There are plenty of little things you can do that will keep you feeling blissful all year long, and here are 25 ways to help you get started!
- Go to sleep when you are tired. You aren't doing anybody any good by forcing yourself to stay awake when your mind and body need a break.
- Take your breaks and vacation days.
- Take the time to cook a good meal at least once a week.
- Take a second out of every day to think a positive thought about yourself . . . even if it's just the fact that you're having a good hair day.
- Make your bed and open the blinds.
- Write out a blurb of your thoughts as often as you can and save them in a box. Writing often puts things in perspective.
- Always listen to calming music - feel-good or sad - when you clean. You'd be surprised at how therapeutic dusting can become.
- Drink more water.
- Don't take your work home with you.
- Give yourself a small challenge to complete every week - as opposed to feeling defeated when Sunday rolls around, you'll feel accomplished! These challenges could be as simple as smiling at a stranger every morning or skipping sweets every other day.
- Hike more often.
- Eat breakfast every day.
- Take snapshots of your good days and happy moments.
- Try with all of your might to wake up when your first alarm goes off.
- Find a way to shake up your daily routine so as to avoid getting into a rut. Try a new coffee drink, eat your lunch outside - anything to break up the monotony.
- Give yourself something to look forward to on Friday evenings that isn't always necessarily a social event, like taking a bubble bath, starting a book you've been meaning to read, or making a dish you've been craving!
- Don't rely on social media as entertainment every time you're bored.
- Don't go to bed in a bad mood.
- Go on more coffee dates with friends.
- Don't work and eat at the same time.
- Cry when you feel like crying. Repressed negative emotions never lead to a happy disposition.
- Carve out time every morning to stretch and also to sit and drink your cup of joe without feeling rushed.
- Don't let emails be the first thing you see when you wake up.
- Always talk to somebody you trust when something is bothering you - don't keep it to yourself.
- Eat more ice cream.
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