mardi 12 avril 2016
Prepare to Have This All-Too-Real "Homework" Parody Stuck in Your Head All Day
If you woke up this morning thinking, "You know, I no longer have the lyrics to 'Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae)' stuck in my head, and something is deeply missing from my soul," then you came to the right place.
Thanks to the clever parody-making Holderness family, there's a version of Rihanna's buzzy hit "Work" that will have you hooked. Their version, however, is a bit more PG than RiRi's - it's all about frustrations that come with helping our kids do their homework.
And if you've ever been curious as to how Penn and Kim Holderness manage to create these viral parody videos, this one lets you in on their process with a little behind-the-scenes footage. In fact, they solicited the topic, sample buzzwords, and even the song itself from their Facebook fans – so you can thank all of them for the fact that you'll be mumbling "We're doing homework work work work work" for the rest of the day. Or, you know, eternity.
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