mercredi 17 août 2016
33 Things Every Dad Should Say to Raise Strong, Empowered Daughters
Whether your little one is a "daddy's girl" or still working on her relationship with Dad, there's no denying the importance of this male figure in a little girl's life. A dad's love is typically the first male love a child receives and his influence helps set the path for the person that kid becomes. It isn't easy to raise a strong and independent daughter, but certain things a father figure says has the power to help - or hinder - this growth. Although it might feel like these are just simple phrases in passing, hearing these 33 things from Dad can stick with a little girl for years to come and help shape her into a passionate and empowered young lady.
- Your determination inspires me.
- I can't imagine my life without you.
- I love you.
- You impress me each and every day.
- I have faith in you.
- You can do anything.
- I'm so proud of you.
- I love that you're always willing to try.
- Your effort blows me away.
- You've got this.
- There's no shame in recognizing when you need help and asking for it.
- I'm always here if you need me.
- I love watching you grow.
- It's important that you love yourself as much as I love you.
- I hope you're never afraid to try something new.
- I love you more each and every day.
- Spending time with you is the best part of my day.
- Do what makes you happy.
- You're pretty on the inside.
- Always be your biggest advocate.
- Your thoughts matter.
- Never be afraid to ask a question or to speak up.
- Your words can be used for good or harm and it's important to know the difference.
- You should always try to stand out from the crowd.
- Always let your personality shine.
- I'm here for you no matter what.
- Give your heart only to those who deserve it.
- I love hanging out with you.
- It's OK to fall as long as you get back up.
- Never let anyone pressure you.
- Embrace the things that make you different.
- I'll never stop loving you.
- Your opinion matters, especially to me.
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