vendredi 26 août 2016
Finally, Emoji That Reflect the Other Half of the Population
You may not have noticed, but there is a surprising lack of female emoji on our keyboards. Facebook, Apple, and Google are trying to change that - and so is the Always's #LikeAGirl campaign. For me, the discovery that most of the emoji are men was just as upsetting as not noticing in the first place. Now that we're all on the same page, how weird is it that all the professional, academic, and athletic emoji are men? Why are the only female emoji brides, girls getting haircuts, and dancing women? Thankfully, the #LikeAGirl campaign is attempting to change that. The first lady is even getting involved with her #LetGirlsLearn initiative.
Hey @Always! We would love to see a girl studying emoji. Education empowers girls around the world. #LetGirlsLearn #LikeAGirl
- The First Lady (@FLOTUS) March 8, 2016
Some of these emoji will soon exist on our keyboards, but check out the other ideas from the #LikeAGirl emoji - because, newsflash, there's not much boys can do that we can't also.
Girl Power! The Newest Emoji Available on iOS 10 Have Been a Long Time Coming
Facebook Messenger's New Emoji Include More Diverse Women
Move Over, Bacon: These 5 New Emoji Are More Important
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