jeudi 4 août 2016

The Cutest Part of This Maternity Photo Isn't Even the Baby Bump

When Whitney Bowie and her husband, Jeremy, decided to do a maternity photo shoot, like many soon-to-be parents with pets, they included their dog, a rat terrier named Lucy, in some of the snaps. Pretty typical, right?

Well, when the Texas couple went in for one of the most standard pregnancy shots - of the zoomed-in baby bump with both mom and dad's hands resting on it - little Lucy must have felt a bit left out. As the photographer snapped, Lucy placed her paw on the belly, too.

Thankfully, Whitney's teenage sister saw the priceless photo and didn't waste time sharing it on Twitter, where it's since been retweeted 44,000 times and has more than 110,000 "likes."

We have a feeling a lot more pregnant pet owners are going to be requesting this photo from here on out.

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