dimanche 21 août 2016
These Peeks of Jason Momoa as Aquaman Prove That He's the Perfect Casting Choice
In case his crazy Justice League workout regimen or the first look behind the scenes didn't convince you that Jason Momoa is perfect for the role of DC Comics' Aquaman (a trident-wielding half-god also known as Arthur Curry), we've rounded up all the peeks we've gotten at the highly anticipated Atlantian hero. Momoa's hulking stature, no-nonsense gaze, and ability to rock tattoos lend him the perfect look for embodying director Zack Snyder's new take on the beloved hero, and the actor's pioneering attitude and respect for the sea mean that he's inwardly suited for the role also.
11 Reasons Jason Momoa Is Already the Perfect Aquaman
Both interviews with Momoa and social media snaps about about his new role reveal that he's ridiculously excited to pick up Aquaman's trident - especially because he'll be able to portray his Polynesian heritage in the role. Check out these incredible moments from the filming of Justice League: Part One and Aquaman's brief appearance in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Once you see how powerful, passionate, and intimidating Momoa appears in the role, you'll barely be able to wait for next year's Justice League premiere! (If that is indeed the case, then here are all the shots you need of him from the Justice League trailer.)
10 Places You've Seen Jason Momoa Aside From Game of Thrones
19 Times Game of Thrones's Khal Drogo Made You Happy to Be Alive
25 Times Jason Momoa Proved He's a Diehard Game of Thrones Fanboy
27 Times Jason Momoa Almost Burst Out of His Shirt (and We All Crossed Our Fingers)
Jason Momoa's Game of Thrones Audition Tape Will Make You Love Him Even More
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