jeudi 4 août 2016

What This Mom Did With a Dairy Aisle's Worth of Her Breast Milk Will Warm Your Heart

Demi Frandsen spent 10 months in the NICU with her son Leo, who was born two months early and diagnosed with gastroschisis - a condition in which there is not enough skin to grow over exposed organs within the abdominal wall. During those 10 months at Children's Hospital and Medical Center in Omaha, NE, Leo never said a word, but he did learn to sign "Mom," got to go outside for the first time, and was even able to drink a bit of his mother's breast milk from a Q-tip. Although Leo couldn't handle much milk, Frandsen would pump every three hours - even waking herself up in the middle of the night - to donate her milk to help other mothers and babies.

On Oct. 22, Leo unexpectedly passed away, and through her grief and the difficulty of the situation, Frandsen continued to pump her breast milk for donation. "My final donation was 17,503 ounces . . . which is 131 gallons. So, a dairy aisle, basically," Fransden told WOWT News.

Watch the video to hear more about Fransden's incredibly selfless act of kindness.

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