mardi 31 janvier 2017

6 Theories About The Vampire Diaries Finale That Will Either Make You or Destroy You

Warning: potential series finale spoilers ahead!

The Vampire Diaries finale is quickly approaching, and we're getting even more anxious about how the series will come to a close. Even though we can finally rest assured that Nina Dobrev will be back, there are still a lot of lingering questions out in the open. Will Caroline and Stefan finally tie the knot? Will Bonnie become a vampire? And who will Elena end up with? As each episode gets even more complicated than the last, fans have been going crazy on social media posting theories. If you can't stand the wait or you just don't mind knowing the ending, keep reading for the most compelling theories below.

Stefan and Caroline Get Married

After teasing Steroline's wedding during Comic-Con, a few fans are dead-set on proving that the duo is tying the knot in the finale. Not only did one fan post a bulletin from their possible ceremony on social media, but Kat Graham was also spotted wearing what appears to be a bridesmaid dress. To add fuel to the rumor, Ian Somerhalder even posted a selfie of him and Paul Wesley in matching black tuxes with Candice King behind them in the background. Perhaps she was hiding Caroline's wedding dress?

Stefan Becomes a Human

Recently, Wesley has been filming scenes with a bandage on his hand, which a vampire definitely wouldn't need since they heal instantaneously. He was even spotted without his daylight ring during a scene with Graham. While it definitely seems out of left field for Stefan to become human, it's not completely far-fetched. Out of all the vampires, Stefan has probably had the hardest time dealing with his blood lust. (Hello, he's a ripper!) Maybe, in an effort to be a good parental figure for Caroline's twins, he takes the cure to ensure they will have a normal life. Well, as normal as twin witches with a vampire mom can be.

Bonnie Becomes a Vampire

It's been hinted at this whole season. Now that Bonnie has fallen in love with an immortal vampire, it makes sense that she would turn as well. And it's not like she has powers as a witch anymore. The only problem, though, is that her life is still tied to Elena's. Since Kai explicitly said no loopholes, she doesn't want jeopardize the chance that Elena would never wake up. As always, Bonnie is putting everyone else before herself.

Enzo Takes the Cure

Of course, the perfect alternative for Bonnie and Enzo's star-crossed romance would be for him to take the cure. Think about it. This could ensure that the two live a happy and human life together, and when they both kick the bucket, Elena will wake up and Damon can take the cure. Everyone lives happily ever after, right?

Damon Dies and Elena Wakes Up

Don't get too ahead of yourselves, Delena shippers. In what might be one of the most heartbreaking theories out there, some fans have said that Damon is actually killed off in the finale. Apparently, Kai comes back for the last few episodes and seeks revenge on Damon for killing him. After he bites the dust, he proceeds to wake Elena up from her sleeping curse. Julie Plec did say that one of the final scenes would break our hearts. Could she have been teasing the end of Delena?

Stefan and Elena End Up Together

If you're a Stelena fan, then you better hold onto your seat. After Kevin Williamson posted a picture of Nina Dobrev and Paul Wesley on set, some fans are left wondering if there will actually be a Stefan and Elena reunion in the finale. It would definitely explain why the episode is titled "I Was Feeling Epic," after Lexi's famous line to Stefan about Elena.

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