mardi 4 décembre 2018
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» Kim's Inspiring 100-Pound Weight-Loss Story Will Make You Want to Lace Up Your Walking Shoes
Kim's Inspiring 100-Pound Weight-Loss Story Will Make You Want to Lace Up Your Walking Shoes

Many people think if they need to lose weight, they need to spend a lot of money: pricey gym memberships, weight-loss subscription programs, and all organic food cost a pretty penny. But as Kim Dye proved, you can lose 100 pounds totally for free. Kim lost most of her weight simply from walking and tracking everything she ate on a free app.
Now, Kim is using her story to inspire others. On her Instagram page @100readysetgo, Kim documents the healthy meals she eats and how she stays active. She spoke to POPSUGAR about her weight-loss journey, how she stays on track, and what she hopes others learn from her story.
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