mardi 10 mai 2016

101 Small Ways to Save Big

Saving money can seem like such a gargantuan task. But if you take baby steps and implement some of these frugal changes slowly, you may not even realize that you're actually padding up your bank account. Make these small changes in your life for a big difference in your net worth:

  1. Get a deep freezer so you have a place to store the items you buy in bulk and on sale.
  2. Buy whole hams and have the deli guy slice it for cheaper cuts.
  3. Get over-the-counter meds from Amazon - they tend to be cheaper.
  4. Automate money from your paycheck to your savings every month so you won't be tempted to overspend.
  5. Pick your own fruits from a local orchard for amazingly low prices.
  6. Know what the average prices for common goods are so you can better comparison-shop.
  7. Find affordable recipes for meals.
  8. Avoid out-of-network ATMs.
  9. Check your bills for mistakes.
  10. Bring your lunch to work.
  11. Take public transportation as much as you can.
  12. Save your change.
  13. Insulate your home to save on energy bills.
  14. Use the stranger test to avoid impulse shopping. Picture a stranger offering you the cash value of the purchase or the purchase to you, and figure out which one you would pick.
  15. Keep your home clean so you don't have to buy expensive products to cut through the grime.
  16. Keep your home organized so you know what you have and won't buy duplicates at the store.
  17. Take a shopping list with you to the grocery store and stick to it.
  18. Don't go to the supermarket hungry - it may cause you to buy more.
  19. Try ethnic supermarkets. You may find cheaper fresh produce and meats.
  20. Maintain your clothes to reduce visits to the dry cleaner.
  21. Grow your own food.
  22. Make your own cleaning supplies, like detergent, dryer sheets, and multipurpose cleaners.
  23. Get a home energy audit.
  24. Cut out cable TV.
  25. Max out an employer-matched 401K plan.
  26. If you're a student, don't skip class. You are paying for your education.
  27. Restore or build your own furniture.
  28. Exercise outside of a gym.
  29. Use a rewards credit card instead of a debit card if you have a good handle on your spending.
  30. Buy used items.
  31. Learn how to do your own home repairs.
  32. When you're eating out, drink water only and avoid sodas and other overpriced drinks.
  33. Wait out luxury purchases so you're not buying them on impulse.
  34. Scour Craigslist for free things.
  35. Swap clothing with your friends.
  36. Use vinegar to clean your home.
  37. Buy quality clothes so they last longer.
  38. Be honest with your friends about your budget and when you can't afford to do things.
  39. Use less of products, such as shampoo, detergent, and more.
  40. Start looking well in advance for big purchases.
  41. Plan a trip early.
  42. Focus on preventative care.
  43. Try to always buy things at a discount, which means waiting for the items to go on sale. Some sites even let you tag your desired items with alerts that will notify you when they go on sale.
  44. Get a thermostat.
  45. Dry your clothes on a clothesline.
  46. Buy generic items.
  47. Make your own snacks instead of buying them from the vending machine.
  48. Know when to skip organic.
  49. Store your leftovers and eat them the next day.
  50. Ditch bottled water and get a Brita filter ($11).
  51. Use your local library's services.
  52. Use apps that let you talk and text for free.
  53. Listen to music for free on Spotify and Pandora.
  54. Skip the alcoholic drinks on a night out, as they can add up. Instead, enjoy some drinks with friends at someone's house beforehand.
  55. Pick afternoon showtimes for movies to get a cheaper rate.
  56. Return any items you mispurchased immediately.
  57. Carpool with people to get to work.
  58. Attend free events in your city.
  59. Host a board-game night instead of a night out.
  60. Throw a potluck.
  61. Skip a trip to the tailor and learn to do basic sewing fixes yourself.
  62. Pick takeout over delivery.
  63. Make your own meals or at least eat more homemade meals than you eat out.
  64. Turn off lights and unplug electronics when not in use.
  65. Make the most of the groceries you have before running out to get more.
  66. Be smart about buying in bulk.
  67. Avoid precut produce.
  68. Make your own personal care items, such as lotion and mouthwash.
  69. Don't throw away items - upcycle them into these cool projects.
  70. Sell the things you no longer need, instead of throwing them away.
  71. Negotiate and haggle your way into getting a better price.
  72. Try to go cash-only on the weekends.
  73. Monitor your bank or Mint account regularly so you are spending consciously every day.
  74. Explore your city instead of taking a trip.
  75. Brush and floss every day to save hundreds or even thousands on dental bills down the road.
  76. Skip the diamond for your engagement ring, or even buy a lab-grown one.
  77. Unsubscribe to daily deal emails.
  78. Be aware of roaming fees when you travel abroad.
  79. Use WiFi when you can to conserve data on your smartphone.
  80. Pay bills when you receive them so you don't forget about them.
  81. Check your credit score annually to make sure there are no errors or inaccuracies.
  82. Use apps like Cheap Gas! or the website to check out where the cheapest gas is around you.
  83. Shop flea markets and dollar stores.
  84. Instead of spending a lot of money on gifts for people, pick from the plenty of inexpensive gifts that are just as good.
  85. Assess your subscriptions and see if you can get a cheaper plan.
  86. Use up your daily deals, gift cards, and credits before they expire.
  87. Download one of these money-saving apps.
  88. Choose a savings account with a high interest rate.
  89. Make sure you're taking advantage of your employer's benefits and discounts.
  90. Use the power of compound interest to fund your retirement dreams - start stashing more money into your retirement accounts.
  91. Wash your laundry in cold water.
  92. Travel during the off-season to get cheaper rates on flights and hotels.
  93. Buy generic drugs at Costco if you're paying out of pocket.
  94. Get your pet neutered and spayed at a shelter - the costs tend to be cheaper.
  95. Consider a hostel or a vacation rental home instead of a hotel.
  96. Clean your household machines to keep them running efficiently.
  97. Buy in-season produce to save.
  98. Shop around for a home insurance policy to save.
  99. Make sure your health is covered by insurance to protect yourself from unexpected medical charges. If you don't have a job, you can stay on your parents' plan until you are 26. Here are other ways to shop for your own insurance.
  100. Create a $5 savings jar - whenever you have $5 in hand, drop it in the jar.
  101. Use a prepaid phone instead of signing up for a phone plan.

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