dimanche 15 mai 2016
8 Questions to Ask Yourself to Help You Declutter
Stop making excuses and clean up the clutter in your home! It'll make you feel better and make your living space look better as well! Ask yourself these questions and get rid of your items based on your answers. And when we say dispose of your clutter, we mean either sell it, donate it, recycle it, give it away to friends and family, or throw it away.
1. Have I used this in the last year?
If your answer is no, it's time to toss.
2. If I were shopping right now, would I buy this?
If the current you wouldn't buy this item now, why would you even keep it?
3. Is the only thing that's keeping me from disposing this item that I don't want to waste money?
Think of it this way: you wasted money when you bought an item you don't use.
4. Am I holding on to this for sentimental value?
Be strict and keep only a few of the items in a small memorabilia box. Then take a photo of items you are throwing away so you can keep them forever.
5. Do I have a similar item that serves the same purpose?
If yes, then get rid of one of them.
6. Do I have a realistic plan to use this?
Remember, don't lie to yourself about how perfect an item would be for Halloween. Make sure you have a concrete plan to use the item, and if you don't use it within the time frame you set for yourself to use it, then toss it.
7. Does it fit me or my living space?
You may love it, but do you have space for the item or does it even suit you now? Think hard on what to keep - your space is sacred.
8. Am I holding on to the broken item to fix in the future?
Fix it now, or if you don't get around to fixing in the next two weeks, then toss it.
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