mardi 24 mai 2016

Make These 3 Changes, Burn More Calories

Exercise is essential when it comes to dropping pounds. So if you're eager to lose the weight, then here are three everyday changes that will help increase your calorie burn.

Related: Start Your Day With a 300-Calorie-Burning Video Workout

Hello Sunshine

Moving workouts to early mornings may mean cursing your alarm clock, but here's the big payoff: morning exercisers burn more calories. And now that the sun rises earlier, it'll be easier to pull yourself out of bed than it was in the Winter. Research shows that people who exercise in the a.m. work harder and for longer periods of time, which may be because they're more alert and energetic and they don't feel as rushed as afternoon or evening exercisers. Getting into a morning routine will also help you stick with it, which will help even more with your weight-loss journey.

Related: Turn Any Staircase Into a Workout

Get Speedy

When it comes to cardio, running will help you lose more weight than walking since it burns more calories, but if you increase your speed just a little, then you'll burn even more. And don't stick to a consistent pace the entire workout. Adding sprinting intervals is an effective way to increase your calorie burn and has also been proven to reduce belly fat. Also be sure to swing those arms as you move, and you'll burn 15 percent more calories.

Related: Intervals For the Beginner: 30-Minute Treadmill Workout

Strength Train in the Ladies' Room

Muscle burns more calories than fat does, so the more muscle mass you have, the better it is for weight loss. Don't just hit the weight room at the gym. Include strength-training moves throughout your day, such as push-ups on the bathroom counter and this two-minute butt and thigh workout while brushing your teeth. You can also work your body by carrying a basket instead of pushing a cart, using the stairs whenever possible, and sitting on an exercise ball instead of a chair.

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