vendredi 6 mai 2016
This Hilarious Map Shows How Oddly Close These Celebrities Live to Their Moms
Image Source: Getty / Jeff Vespa
Just because you're a big-time celeb doesn't mean you don't need Mom. And clearly, that applies to the Jenner-Kardashian family, the Hawn and Hudsons, and Leonardo DiCaprio. Trulia mapped out exactly where each mentioned family member and their mother lives and turns out they're all oddly close at drive's distance. Aside from Kendall Jenner, all the Kardashian-Jenner kids are located roughly six miles or less from mom Kris. Kate Hudson is only a mile away from her best-friend-slash-mom Goldie Hawn, and her brother Oliver isn't too far away either. Lastly, Leo's mother Irmelin Indenbirken lives nine miles away in the home her son bought for her in Silver Lake, Los Angeles.
Check out the chart ahead for yourself!
Image Source: Trulia
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