lundi 15 août 2016

People Across the Globe Are All Sending a Mom the Exact Same Shirt From Target

Behold, the power of Facebook: Deborah Skouson, the mother of a girl with autism, updated her status last week with a call to action to her 500-odd Facebook friends.

Her daughter, Cami, has become attached to one very specific shirt, and it's now the only top she'll wear. Her mom is desperate to find another one, but there's one problem: it's discontinued.

"For the past 4 to 5 years, she has been fixated on THIS shirt," Skouson wrote on her Facebook page. "She got her first one in kindergarten five years ago, and we have found four more since then, mostly on eBay. Her current one is almost unwearable, and eBay has gone dry. "

The shirt, from Target's popular Circo brand, was sold in 2011-2012 and is pink with a flower print.

In her plea, Skouson offered to pay for the shirt and shipping for anyone who has the exact shirt . . . in any size. "It has to be this exact shirt," she added. "We've tried similar shirts, and they don't cut it with Cami!"

Nearly a week after her initial post, her story - along with a photo of Cami happily wearing the shirt - was shared on popular local news anchor Frank Somerville's Facebook page. In no time, Skouson's request went viral, with more than 22,000 shares combined. And miraculously, she's received 80 identical shirts so far – many internationally – with more on the way.

It seems Cami won't have to part with her beloved pink flower shirt just yet.

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