dimanche 6 novembre 2016
12 Things You Do That Your Childless Friends Hate
Attention, fellow well-meaning moms: if you're anything like me, you've noticed that since becoming a parent, it's not always easy maintaining friendships with your nonmom pals.
Sure, we can blame our single girlfriends for always choosing a night out over being our plus-one to Saturday morning story time, and we can certainly fault our kids for putting an albeit-adorable damper on our social lives, but what if the real problem was . . . us? Because we're so engrossed in diaper duty and sleep schedules, we likely don't realize that we as parents might be doing things that drive the baby-free adults among us bonkers. So, before we get defriended on Facebook or - worse - in real life, let's take a moment to stop committing these obnoxious mommy acts.
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