samedi 19 novembre 2016
A Reminder That The Holiday Contains One of the Most Heartbreaking Scenes in Movie History
The Holiday isn't necessarily lauded as a Christmas classic due to the fact most people watch it home alone on Friday night when it airs on TBS, Ben and Jerry's pint in hand. Despite this, the romantic comedy has really held up over the past decade. Since the movie's 10 year anniversary is coming up in December, it's time to give ageless actress Kate Winslet's flawless performance as Iris its due. As a romantically challenged British woman desperately searching for a distraction from her doomed relationship, there are plenty of gut-wrenching moments. However, none of them compare to the scene when she delivers an epic speech about heartbreak that perfectly encapsulates how it feels to break up with someone (i.e. torture and death). Watch the speech above if you have a big box of tissues handy, and if you need a pick-me-up, check out 17 other essential holiday movies.
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