jeudi 17 novembre 2016
New Video Inspires Women to Bare It All and Embrace Their "Belly Jelly"
The incredibly inspiring Movemeant Foundation has just launched a new campaign that has left us feeling empowered and proud to be jiggling! The new #bellyjelly campaign is encouraging women to take their shirts off at the gym and embrace their stomachs, because it's what's inside that is the most important: bulletproof "strength, grace and grit."
Showing that women of all shapes and sizes have belly fat is sending an important message to young girls: that you can dance, play soccer, box, and deadlift and still be a superhero with #bellyjelly. Inner strength is everything and owning your belly jelly will "start a revolution where we feel powerful in the skin we're in." Jenny Gaither, founder of the Movemeant Foundation, told POPSUGAR that she hopes the video can help "young girls feel bulletproof in their bodies."
"We're radically honest about our bodies," the campaign says on its website. "We bare our #bellyjelly to show others that it's strength, grace and grit that lies underneath. We move hard. We sweat harder. To start a revolution where we feel powerful in the skin we're in."
The Easy Eating Formula For Getting Rid of Body Fat
Can Strength Training Reduce Belly Fat? A Scientist Weighs In
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