jeudi 17 novembre 2016

This Time-Saving Hack Will Forever Change the Way You Chop Vegetables

Chopping vegetables is one of the most tedious, time-consuming, and messy cooking tasks. Thankfully, there's an ingenious shortcut you can take using a tool you probably already have: a food processor. When making recipes that call for veggies with a fine or rough chop, like onions, carrots, celery, and mushrooms, you can throw them in your food processor, pulse a few times or until they reach your desired size, and voilà. You've chopped your vegetables within a matter of seconds, and there's no knife or cutting board to clean. This method works especially well for chopping garlic, too. If you don't want to get your hands sticky and smelly by mincing garlic with a knife or grating garlic with a microplane, simply toss the peeled, whole cloves into a food processor, and pulse on high until they're pulverized into perfectly tiny pieces.

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