mercredi 2 novembre 2016

Try This 30-Day Challenge to Improve Your Spanish!

Improving your Spanish always seems like a daunting task, except if you break it down into a challenge. Thirty days of practicing the language means that you get to take baby steps, seamlessly incorporating your lessons into your daily life.

Do you always stop at a coffee shop in the morning? Great, practice ordering in Spanish (even if it's just while you're waiting in line). Writing out your to-do list for the month? Do it in Spanish, too! That, plus other simple steps, like downloading a vocabulary app and watching a movie in Spanish without subtitles, will improve your bilingualism in no time.

Day Challenge
Day 1 Write out your monthly goals in Spanish.
Day 2 Order your coffee in Spanish.
Day 3 Listen to a song in Spanish and try to decipher the meaning of the lyrics.
Day 4 GChat with someone in Spanish.
Day 5 Download an app (like Duolingo) to practice vocabulary daily.
Day 6 Write an email in Spanish.
Day 7 Translate the morning's headlines.
Day 8 Write all your tweets, photo captions and Facebook posts in Spanish.
Day 9 Challenge your friends to have a conversation in Spanish, for at least five minutes.
Day 10 Teach your significant other some keywords in Spanish.
Day 11 Start reading your favorite book in a Spanish translation.
Day 12 Quiz yourself on the Spanish translation of items while walking through Target.
Day 13 Journal about your day in Spanish.
Day 14 Read a newspaper article in Spanish.
Day 15 Watch an episode of a novela, then write out a summary of what happened.
Day 16 Listen to a podcast in Spanish.
Day 17 Write down everything you see during your commute (or lunch break).
Day 18 Label the items in your apartment with their Spanish names.
Day 19 Create flashcards for your most commonly used and forgotten words and phrases.
Day 20 Create a Pinterest board with some of your favorite Spanish words and memes.
Day 21 Learn 5 fast facts (in Spanish!) about your favorite South American country.
Day 22 Start following an Instagram account where the captions are in Spanish (think Latina fashion bloggers or chefs).
Day 23 Go to a Latin-influenced restaurant and order in Spanish only.
Day 24 Commit to speaking at least one full hour of Spanish (even if it's to yourself).
Day 25 Find and write down a favorite quote in Spanish on the top of your to-do list.
Day 26 Explain basic Spanish grammar to a friend.
Day 27 Take notes in Spanish at a meeting.
Day 28 Go old school and write out difficult vocabulary words and their definitions, five times each.
Day 29 Change your phone's and computer's language to Spanish.
Day 30 Watch a movie in Spanish sans subtitles.


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