dimanche 1 janvier 2017

11 Products That Will Keep You Looking Flawless as You Transition to Natural Hair

Managing transitioning hair is a lot like dating. It requires the patience of a kindergarten teacher and you need to connect with a variety of prospects (beauty products) before lo and behold, you meet your match. Talk about stressful!

We've read endless reviews of shampoos, deep conditioners, and leave-ins equipped with moisturizing and detangling qualities for ladies embarking on the journey from relaxed to natural hair. While it's important to nourish your kinks and curls to prevent breakage, avoid jumping on the product-heavy bandwagon.

"Women who are transitioning must understand the importance of maintaining the balance of moisture and protein," says Noël Reid-Killings, celebrity and master hairstylist of Noël New York Salon. "New naturals aren't familiar with their natural texture and tend to gravitate towards moisturizing products unnecessarily. What's often seen as dry hair is really just a coarse hair texture. Over moisturizing can be dangerous and cause more tangling with the relaxed hair, leading to breakage."

As you get acquainted with your new tresses and find the right system for your routine, it's time to consider styling essentials and must-have products to make everyday maintenance much more manageable. Hot tools for occasional straight styles, a feel-good detangling brush for wash days (finally!), and vibrant head wraps that can make a three-days-old twist-out look bomb are just a few of our favorites for transitioning hair.

Click through for more details on these and a few other gems you'll want for your arsenal if the big chop wasn't for you. You're one step closer to happy transitioning tresses!


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