dimanche 29 janvier 2017

15 Realistic New Year's Resolutions to Help Working Moms Find Balance in 2017

Being a busy working mom has its pros and cons; on the one hand, you get to escape your kids for a solid chunk of the day and feel like you have a grip on your sanity, but on the other, it means spending time away from your children, especially if they're young and not in school. If the awkward dichotomy between wanting to be alone and never wanting to leave your children is causing you to stress out both at work and at home, here are some New Year's resolutions you can actually stick to this year that may just be the solution finding a better balance in 2017.

Read through for a list of realistic and achievable goals for working moms in 2017.

  1. Stop feeling guilty about leaving your kids every day.
  2. Say "no" to things you can't handle both at work and at home.
  3. Keep track of appointments, play dates, and deadlines all in one calendar.
  4. Schedule "me time" in the aforementioned calendar for baths, date nights, and naps.
  5. Focus on your job while you're at work.
  6. Focus on your family while you're at home.
  7. Avoid getting irritated at needy kids when they beg for your attention after being away from you all day.
  8. Plan a special activity with your kids once a week or every weekend.
  9. Wake up earlier than your family so you can tend to your needs first thing.
  10. Get to know more people at work and at your child's school to build a network of supporters.
  11. Have a list of babysitters, backup sitters, and plan C sitters so that you never get caught in a child care pickle.
  12. Be more present with your kids by putting down your phone until they're in bed.
  13. Lower your standards for a clean house by embracing more mess, hiring a cleaning service, or starting chore charts for your kids.
  14. Stop trying to do it all and ask for help when necessary.
  15. Remind yourself daily that you're always going to be more than good enough in the eyes of your children.

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