mardi 10 janvier 2017

8 WTF Parenting Moments That Will Leave You in Hysterics

You don't have to be a parent to know that kids sometimes say and do the darndest things. But when you are a mom or dad, and your kiddo is the one making the mess, scene, or loud statement, their bold acts can feel more than personal. However, thanks to the internet, parents can constantly be reminded that they aren't the only ones dealing with out-of-the-box kiddos. Whenever you think that your child has done something so bizarre that's topped the rest, there's always a kid with a dead squirrel in his Pottery Barn backpack or a mom who discovered (too late) that the surprise from her kids was actually a used urinal cake, to remind you that you aren't alone. Check out these eight WTF parenting moments that will make you want to laugh, cry, and shake your head.

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