lundi 16 janvier 2017
Blast Fat, Torch Calories, and Work Your Booty With This 1 Move
For a fast, efficient way to burn calories (anywhere you are, without any equipment), look no further than this simple cardio move.
The single-leg touch and hop will test your balance and strength while upping your heart rate with a bit of quick plyo, thanks to the small hops and rapid movements. Be sure to move with control and use your core to stabilize, which will activate ab muscles and burn even more calories.
- Begin standing with your weight on your left foot. Keeping your back long, bend your left knee to touch the floor with your right fingers.
- Swing your right leg and left arm forward to return to standing, hopping once the torso is upright. Land with control, then slowly lower your torso and bend your knee to touch the floor again.
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