jeudi 26 janvier 2017

Challenge Accepted: How 1 Dude Beautified Like a Woman

Countless evenings at my Chicago apartment tend to play out the same way: I take roughly 10 minutes to get ready to go out and then proceed to wait nearly an hour as my wife of 17 months, Johanna, makes herself look (even more) beautiful. Mine is not a unique story: it's a long-known fact that women tend to spend far more time beautifying than men. And when Valentine's Day date night rolls around, that divide only increases.

Since my wife and I planned a fancy dinner at a supertrendy Asian fusion restaurant for V-Day, I wanting to look extradapper for the occasion. So when POPSUGAR Beauty challenged me to, essentially, get ready like a woman, I eagerly accepted. Plus, I secretly wanted to know what women go through behind the closed doors of a spa. (And I'd be lying if I said I didn't also believe that the whole ordeal might enhance my mental and physical well-being.) After 10-plus hours and more than $1,000 spent on facials, body scrubs, waxes (shudder!), and much more from some of the finest Chicago-area spas, I finally felt like I understood my wife, the other females in my life, and - perhaps - even myself better. But there's only one real question: did I survive waxing my groin? Keep reading . . .

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