mardi 17 janvier 2017
Don't Know How to Do a Breast Self-Exam? This Video Makes It So Easy
Breast self-exams can be intimidating. What do you even do? Do you just poke and prod your boobs hoping to (not) find something? What is it supposed to feel like? Where do you start? Did you know that you need to be examining yourself starting when you're 20 years old?
This simple and straightforward video uses animation to show exactly how and when to give yourself an examination with clear instructions on what to look for. It's in plain English, easy to follow, and answers all the major questions - it even tells you to get a good selfie every month.
Watch the video, and take some notes - this is important! Here are the key takeaways:
- You're gonna need a breast selfie (make sure there's good lighting)
- Check during ovulation (two weeks before your period - if your period is irregular, pick the same day every month)
- Look for dimpling, redness, bulging, rashes, swelling, discharge, and shape/position changes
- Check from different angles/arm positions, including laying down
- Press hard and in circular motions
- Check in the shower
- Check often (every month)
- Don't skip your mammogram
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