vendredi 27 janvier 2017

How 1 Waiter Became a Total Hero to This Toddler and Her Stressed-Out Mom

When Katie Dee had the chance to meet up with some old friends that she hadn't seen in years, she did what many moms have no choice but to do: she brought her toddler along.

In order to get 2-year-old Pixie excited about their outing, Katie explained that the restaurant makes pizza in the shape of Mickey Mouse and hoped that her daughter would be well-behaved during the meal. When the group sat down, little Pixie politely ordered the special pizza, fizzy water, and crayons. A few minutes later the child interrupted her chatting mom to ask an important question: "Mommy, where's that beautiful man gone?" Katie shared on Facebook. "Her words, not mine!"

When the waiter returned with Pixie's pizza, the child's face lit up until she realized that it had to be cut up.

"'Can you cut it up please?' She says, so I start cutting up her pizza . . . 'Mommy, no! I want the beautiful man to do it!'

So he does it, even though I apologize and say he absolutely doesn't need to, and he cuts up Pixie's pizza into tiny pieces. He even cuts up the bigger bits when Pixie points out that they are not 'Pixie sized' enough, and checks with her that they are all OK before he goes."

Pixie's new friend frequently returned to check on the child - even after he was no longer their waiter - and made a point of complimenting her coloring. He also noticed that her mom hadn't had a chance to eat yet.

"All this time my food is going cold, I've barely spoken to my friends while I've been picking up crayons and making sure she's eating all her perfectly sized pizza, and low and behold over comes this hero who seemed to sense my hunger and asks Pixie if she would like to eat with him at the next table," Katie wrote. "If she didn't already think he was wonderful enough, he then produces a bowl of ice cream and sits with her, talking about her day while she gets ice cream EVERYWHERE."

Instead of getting upset at the mess, this kind gentleman just laughed at the child's silly faces as he gave her mom a priceless gift.

"It might not seem like a lot, but that 10 minutes with my friends was heavenly. My food was still hot(ish!), no drinks got spilt, which is a record, all toddler meltdowns were avoided, and most of all my little girl had the biggest smile on her face all night.

So thank you to the waiter at Dough, for taking my 2-year-old on her first date. Thank you for letting a busy mom have her dinner in peace. Thank you for making sure my little one felt like a princess and thank you for going above and beyond your job for a little girl who you've never met before."

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