lundi 16 janvier 2017
I Waited 2 Years, but Finally Got My Daughter's Name Tattooed on My Wrist
Never in my life did I ever think I'd get a tattoo. I've always been a "good" girl; never smoked a cigarette, never did psychedelic drugs, and I didn't even lose my virginity until I was 24 (for real)! But something happened after three days of labor, when I finally got to hold my newborn daughter Sadie in my arms, and see her wide, curious eyes staring sweetly up at mine. I knew I wanted to do something to honor the incredible love I had for her.
When she was 5 months old, Sadie got sick. She started having seizures where she'd stop breathing and turn blue. In and out of hospitals for three weeks, I watched her almost die right in front of me. My love for her was so overwhelming, and I was grateful for every moment I had with her because I wasn't sure if it'd be the last. That changed me forever, and once she got better, around age 4, I had the urge to have a permanent reminder of how much I loved her, and how much she was a part of me.
That was almost two years ago, when I decided I wanted to get her name tattooed on my wrist in her handwriting. I chose my right wrist because I wanted to see it every day, and I'm a righty, so I knew anytime I'd reach for something, I'd see it. I knew I'd see it in certain yoga poses, when I was out running, or lifting weights. I kept putting it off, nervous to go through with it, but at age 6, she would be going to kindergarten in the Fall and I thought this would be a really special time to have it done, as a sort of rite of passage. When my son goes off to kindergarten in two years (and he, too, can legibly write his name) I'll get his name tattooed underneath Sadie's.
I told Sadie my idea and said I needed her to write her name for me. She did it like 60 times, and when I saw the one I knew I wanted, I finally got up the nerve to do it. I asked a few friends for a tattoo artist recommendation, and set up a meeting with a guy who owned a tattoo shop, conveniently down the street. He said to come at 7:30, no earlier, and that it'd take 15 minutes. It was actually date night for me and my husband, and I thought it'd be a romantic thing to have him come and be part of this.
When we walked in (this was my first time ever in a tattoo parlor!), the guy was tattooing a woman, with two friends sitting next to her, and she was understandably looking a little annoyed. The guy started talking to me, still tattooing away on this woman's arm, and asked, "So what do you want?" I said, "Just my daughter's name in her handwriting on my wrist." Still tattooing, not really looking at me, he said, "Well here's the thing. I charge $150 for an hour, so maybe you should think of something else to do because that will only take 15 minutes."
My husband, Mike, got a bad vibe from him and was subtly trying to get me the heck out of there by saying, "Yeah, maybe we should go home and see if Devon (my 4-year-old) can write his name." The guy was like, "Want to do it tomorrow?" I was about to say sure - I mean it was her handwriting, it didn't take any creative flare whatsoever, and he came recommended from two people I knew. Mike stopped me, saying "Oh no, remember we might go on Ben's boat tomorrow." Man I was NOT picking up on his hints because I wanted that tattoo so bad. The guy dismissed us with, "How about you call me tomorrow."
So we left and I was so pissed. But Mike was like, "He didn't even stop to look at your design. He didn't even stop to talk to you. You know this is permanent, like for FOREVER?" He was right. When we got home, we talked to our babysitter, who had just gotten a tattoo a few months ago at a different tattoo shop and had a wonderful experience.
We happened to be going into town for dinner where our babysitter's recommended shop was, so I emailed the new place, and the guy, Joe, said to come in anytime. I showed up with my husband and two kids, for what I thought was just going to be a consultation. He sat with me, the sweetest older gentleman, arms covered in gorgeous tattoos, and he saw the little paper with Sadie's name and said, "Aww, this is a sweet idea." He shrunk it down to about an inch long, and laid it on my wrist. I started to tear up because it was starting to seem more real. "When do you want to do it?" he asked. I said, "I don't know." He said, "How about now?" I looked at Mike to see what he thought and he said, "Let's do it!"
It was such an amazing experience, in a very clean and professional place. He only charged me $50 and with a $25 tip - half the price the other guy was going to charge. I love that my whole family was there with me, and it didn't hurt at all. Really. I mean I've been through two natural childbirths and this was nothing! It only took 10 minutes, and afterward, I teared up a little and hugged the guy. The kids were so good, and Sadie even documented it with my phone. Then they each got to pick out a temporary glittery tattoo - really cute.
I am so happy I finally did it, and now my other mommy friends have said they want one, too. It serves as a reminder not only of the love I have for Sadie and Devon, but equally importantly, it reminds me to be grateful for all I have and to celebrate what's really important in life.
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