jeudi 26 janvier 2017

Mom's Photography Project Is Normalizing Breastfeeding in the Most Stunning Way

In 2015, photographer Natalie McCain made the rounds on the internet with her Honest Body Project, which showcased what moms' postpartum bodies look like. Although that photo series shed light on important aspects of positive body image, her latest project, Breastfeeding Our Toddlers: A Full Term Nursing Series, is covering an even hotter topic in the mom world: normalizing breastfeeding.

The series, which features moms and their children over 2 who still breastfeed, isn't McCain's first featuring nursing moms. "One of my first series was on this subject, and it still is the most popular series I have, getting many, many views each day!" she told POPSUGAR. "I decided to create a new series on extended nursing so that I could help normalize it even more. The more images that are put out there, the more stories, the more it will become the norm. Normalizing breastfeeding is extremely important, especially for future generations."

McCain nursed both of her children through their toddler years, and as the title of her first breastfeeding series stressed, she wanted people to understand that she wasn't "still" nursing just because her child was over a year old, she was "just nursing."

"Children should grow up knowing that breastfeeding is normal to do in public and to support," she said. As it turns out, there were tons of moms out there who agree with this sentiment completely. "When I put a call out for the breastfeeding series, I had many women contact me wanting to be a part of it. Normalizing breastfeeding is a huge passion of many women in my community. I am lucky to have such amazing women who want to participate!"

Scroll through to see some of the beautiful photos in the series and to read each mama's thoughts about their breastfeeding journey (and preorder McCain's book, The Honest Body Project: Raw, Untouched Portraits of What It Means to Be a Woman ($25), which comes out in August).

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