vendredi 13 janvier 2017

Pickle Enthusiasts Are Going to Freak Out Over This NYC Eatery

Growing up Jewish in New York City suburbs, pickles have been a staple of my diet for many years. There's nothing like the crunchy, crisp, sour taste of a New York deli pickle. Food is such an enormous part of Jewish culture that as a kid, my Hebrew school took me on a field trip to the historically Jewish section of Manhattan, the Lower East Side, and picking up some pickles was a mandatory part of our Jewish historical education. Today, I'd imagine that The Pickle Guys, a Kosher pickle store in the Lower East Side, is a stop on many Hebrew school field trips and should be a stop on your visit too.

The Pickle Guys is located at the Corner of Grand and Essex Streets, a location with a long history of hosting kosher pickle vendors (it used to be referred to as the pickle district). The Pickle Guys, owned by Alan Kaufman, is the last pickle vendor left on the historical Essex Street. Fans of the tasty snack are flocking to the store to buy the barrel-housed morsels. If you're picky about your pickles, The Pickle Guys have the ultimate menu for you. Their offerings include: new pickles, sour pickles, half sour pickles, hot new pickles, three-quarter sour pickles, horseradish pickles, sweet gherkins, and bread and butter pickles.

It's possible that the recent trend of pickled products has even increased the popularity of my favorite snack. Recipes for pickle soup are appearing online and pickle popcorn and pickle chips have been popping up at grocery stores throughout the country. On your next visit to New York, I highly recommend adding the Lower East Side to your list of places to visit, especially to pick up some fresh pickles. In the meantime, take a look at all the pickles available at The Pickle Guys.

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