samedi 7 janvier 2017

These 30 Instagram Accounts Are All the New Year's Motivation You Need

Need a boost of motivation for your New Year's resolution? Turn to your Instagram, friends. We know you're scrolling through that feed right when you wake up in the morning, so pack your AM lineup with fitness superstars who'll inspire you to get out of bed and into a workout or healthy breakfast.

And when we say superstars, we don't mean celebrities - these trainers, bloggers, and everyday women are just like you. They're working out to lose weight, get strong, feel good, or have a healthy pregnancy. It'll feel like you're checking in with friends every day when you see their awesomely moving posts (and you can totally feel free to steal their workout and recipe ideas!).

Now feel free to jam-pack your "Following" list with these badass babes (and we're sorry there's not a "follow all" option).

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