mardi 10 janvier 2017

This Is Exactly How Much It Will Cost You to Raise a Child - You May Want to Sit Down

Between the skyrocketing costs of education, health care, transportation, and every other expense under the sun involved with children, individuals considering kids may be wondering how much it actually costs to raise a child. Well, the answer is finally here. The United States Department of Agriculture released its annual "Cost of Raising a Child" report and calculated that families who gave birth to a child in 2015 will spend $233,610 from childbirth until the child is 17 years old.

Shockingly enough, the USDA's Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion's total cost of raising a child does not include college tuition or pregnancy costs, but does include "food, housing, transportation, healthcare, clothing, child care and education, and miscellaneous costs."

Although people considering kids may not be too thrilled about these numbers, it's important to keep in mind that each family is different and the total calculated cost is specifically for middle class married couples with two children. According to a press release, families with lower incomes are expected to spend $174,690 and families with higher incomes are expected to spend $372,210 (in 2015 dollars).

Check out the breakdown of familial expenses here, and figure out how much it will cost you to raise a child with the USDA's Cost of Raising a Child Calculator.

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