vendredi 6 janvier 2017
Warning: This Simple Picture of Sliced Ham Will Make You Dizzy
One Reddit user recently opened a package of sliced ham that looked a little strange . . . and no, the ham wasn't just bad. Instead, the ham appeared blurry and out of focus. After sharing it on Reddit, he came to realize that the internet strongly agreed.
The user shared a picture of the eyesight-deceiving ham in a post on Jan. 5, shown below, with a caption that read, "This sliced ham looks like it's out of focus." Other users quickly answered, confused by the very same package. One person commented, "It's hurting my eyes."
This sliced ham looks like it's out of focus. from mildlyinteresting
It's clear that the ham just looks blurry because there are multiple slices of ham stacked on each other in a slightly staggered manner - however, looking at it is enough to make us squint our eyes in an attempt to bring it into focus.
This Optical Illusion of a Woman's Shiny Legs Will Make You Question Your Eyesight
You're Going to Tear Your Hair Out Trying to Find a Cell Phone in This Optical Illusion
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