mardi 31 juillet 2018

The Ab and Butt Moves Tracy Anderson Does When She Only Has a Few Minutes to Spare

Many of us know how difficult it can be to maintain our fitness routine when we're on the go. You may not have access to a gym or your schedule might only permit a few minutes at most to get your sweat on. As someone who's traveling constantly, celebrity trainer Tracy Anderson - who's behind the ever-popular self-titled method - knows this struggle all too well.

So, before she led a dance-cardio class for G. Sport Sessions, a fitness experience by Westin Hotels and Goop, I had to ask Tracy for her go-to ab and butt moves for when she's on the road. In white blazer and all, the entrepreneur got down on all fours to share a sequence she'd do if she was short on time and equipment.

See her moves broken ahead!


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