vendredi 11 novembre 2016
Daylight Saving Time Leaves New Parents Very Confused as to Which of Their Twins Is Older
While many parents were spending the end of Daylight Saving Time trying to figure out how to get their children to adjust to the time difference, Emily and Seth Peterson were trying to figure out which of their newborn twin boys was older. Yes, we know how ridiculous that sounds, but Emily gave birth to Samuel and Ronan on the night that the clocks turned back an hour and things got confusing.
Here's what happened: "Samuel was born 1:39 a.m. on Sunday, Nov. 6 and by the time Ronan was born 31 minutes later, Daylight Saving Time had ended for the year and the time fell back an hour, making Ronan's official time of birth 1:10 a.m." Although Samuel was born first, his twin brother is technically older! A nurse at Cape Cod Hospital, where the boys were born, said that in over 40 years of work it's the first time she's seen something like this happen.
The boys are going to love this hilarious story when they're older, and let's just hope they figure out a way to handle their age differences!
Mom's Hilarious Photo Puts an End to Obnoxious Questions About Her Twins
Why Daylight Saving Time Is Legitimately Hell For Parents
Adorable Little Girl Has a Total Meltdown When Finding Out Her Twin Sister Is 1 Minute Older
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