mercredi 11 janvier 2017

The 11 Weirdest Things Real Moms Have Found at the Bottom of Their Diaper Bags

Once you have a child, gone are the days of running out of the house with just your wallet, keys, and cell phone, and suddenly you're carrying what feels like a 100-pound piece of luggage filled with everything your child could possibly need in the 20 minutes you'll be out of the house. And with carrying a huge bag comes the mysterious loss of objects at the bottom of said bag, sometimes things you're looking for but can't find, sometimes things that you aren't expecting and wish you didn't find.

We had real moms comment on a few of the latter things they've found at the bottom of their diaper bags, and their findings are both hilarious and disgusting.

  1. "A ranch packet that had busted open. That's a game-changer!" - Kelly
  2. "A bag of long forgotten snap peas that had turned into green slime." - Sarah
  3. "A (moldy) peanut butter and jelly! Can I just say.....gross!!" - Kelly
  4. "Just two days ago, I found a real tooth. Looks like a molar, but not from my kids.... I'm still so confused???" - Catherine
  5. "A half [eaten] sticky DumDum sucker with grass, long blond hair and a dead ant and sand stuck to it. It was so gross. Blah." - Shirley
  6. "Half a sausage which had turned purple and was covered in glitter." - Nikki
  7. "A cat collar! (Had been looking for our [kitty's] for weeks... and brought new one)." - Gaylene
  8. "Half a pack of teething crackers gone stale or pulverized at the bottom. Open jars of food or formula bottles soured and smelly. I learned quickly that no one else touched the diaper bag but me." - Leigha
  9. "A banana that exploded." - Elizabeth
  10. "A chicken nugget. It was basically petrified." - April

And my personal favorite:

  1. "2 googly eyes stuck to a half eaten chapstick." - Neriah

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