samedi 21 janvier 2017
This Song About How Time Passes Too Quickly Will Send Any Mom Into a Tearjerking Tailspin
Just thinking about watching our children grow up - and how it happens too quickly - makes our eyes well up with tears. So watching a music video about that inevitability might be altogether too much for any sentimental parent to handle.
Nichole Nordeman, a Christian singer-songwriter, is single-handedly causing a run on Kleenex with her latest song, "Slow Down," which asks our collective kids to do just that - all while home-video clips from dozens of different families show how babies soon become toddlers who soon become teens who . . . well, you get the idea.
Even her inspiration for this bittersweet parenthood anthem, which she shared on Facebook, had us in tears:
I don't know of a more uttered or whispered phrase from a mother of any age, about her child of any age, than "It's going by too fast." I feel like I spend my life trying to slow time. Trying to celebrate the growth and the milestones of my children, and then secretly daydreaming about building a time machine in my garage, so I can return to rocking my babies at midnight. If you've ever looked at your child running across a field, or striding across a graduation stage, or walking down the middle aisle of a church clutching a bouquet, you'll know why this song is special to me.
If you still aren't convinced in this song's five-tissue power, just try to listen through the first 30 seconds without welling up. We have a feeling these are the lyrics that will send you over the edge:
Had to crawl before you walked /
Before you ran /
Before I knew it /
You were trying to free your fingers from my hand/
'Cause you could do it on your own now
If those didn't do the trick, we don't know what will.
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