mercredi 25 juillet 2018
15 Things That Surprised Me When I Became a Stay-at-Home Mom

Six months in, I had a very loose grip on the working mom act. Then my partner got a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity at work. The catch? We had to move from our small city in South Carolina to San Francisco, leaving our house, my job, and my kid's daycare behind. That's right - the amazing daycare that allowed me to be a working mom; the amazing daycare we applied to when my little one was still the size of a bean in my womb. In between packing and updating my résumé, I researched, called, and emailed every registered childcare facility I could find. No dice. They were all full with mile-long waiting lists, or not feasible to get to with traffic patterns, kept weird hours, or had health and safety violations that would stop a first-time parent's heart. Plus, many were priced so high that I'd actually be paying to work. Finding a job was a piece of cake, but finding childcare was damn near impossible. And just like that, I became a stay-at-home mom.
I figured it would be just like the weekends with a little less help and a few more chores. The house would be clean! I could learn how to cook gourmet meals! I could concentrate on my role as a mom, without having to brainstorm work presentation ideas while giving my child a bath! I could read a book! In fact, this whole stay-at-home mom thing might actually make for a nice little break.
Cue the record scratch. Most of my expectations were completely unrealistic and just downright laughable. Here's what I learned.
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