vendredi 20 juillet 2018

7 Surefire Signs You're a Card-Carrying Member of the Cat Lady Club

It starts out innocently enough. You adopt a cat (fine, maybe two or three) because they're furry and cute and you just watched that God-forsaken ASPCA commercial for the 90th time and you couldn't help yourself. But you swear you'll never turn into one of them: a cat lady.

But then, before you know it - BAM! - you're sitting on your couch sporting a Meowy Catmas shirt in the middle of July, ordering a stockpile of catnip mouses on Amazon, and reading up on Martha Stewart's cats for fun.

Its OK, you can admit it - cat lady life is the best life. Still a tad bit in denial that you've crossed over into cat lady territory? Well, read ahead to confirm what you already suspect is true: you're a cat lady through and through.

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