jeudi 5 juillet 2018

Costco Sells 100-Calorie Vodka Ice Pops, and We're Buying Them by the Truckload

Clear your freezers, Mom, because we just found the ultimate Summer sweet treat for you to cool down with after a long day of activities - and they'll even help you to get your buzz on at the same time. We all know how draining Summer can be with the kids out of school - not only do some of our lovely offspring choose to dabble in what feels like every single extracurricular activity known to mankind, but they also do it with adrenaline levels comparable to the damn Energizer Bunny. The second that ice cream truck jingle is heard, they sprint for sweets as if they haven't been running around all day.

Well, parents, it's our time for treats, and it's as easy as 1, 2, 3. Instagram user kerifalc recently spotted Skinny Freezers on shelves at Costco, and let's just say it's a cocktail-lover's dream come true. Each treat is 100 calories and comes in flavors like Cosmopolitan, Watermelon Lemonade, Appletini, and Lemon Drop. Just please make sure your child doesn't confuse "Mommy's special ice pops" for standard Otter Pops or Fla-Vor-Ice, because then we'd have some explaining to do.

Bring them to the beach or to your child's never-ending soccer games (as long as you've got a designated driver, you're good to go). The Slim Chillers pops have been available at Costco for the last few Summers, and we're just as excited as you are to see them back on shelves. Bonus tip: while some have complained of the pops not freezing, others recommend putting them in a cooler with dry ice, which "worked like a charm."

Check out Skinny Freezers ahead, and make sure to stop by Costco and pick up a pack or find a local retailer and start chilling.

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