samedi 7 juillet 2018

Oral Sex During Your Period: Yes or No?

When it comes to your monthly flow, you might feel a bit frisky and want to hop into bed. Plus, you totally should, as there are actually a few benefits to having sex on your period, and you might naturally be hornier, too. There are plenty of amazing sex positions to try when you're on your period, but oral sex should be something different to consider. First off, is it safe? And secondly, since it's less appealing to certain people, should you even be doing it? Here's what you should know.

Is It Safe?

For the most part, yes, as long as neither person has any STDs, Dr. Alex Ferro, MD and ob-gyn, told POPSUGAR. "Certain STDs are more likely to be transmitted while bleeding," he says. These include blood-borne STDs like HPV, HIV, and syphillis, he says.

Is It Clean?

"This is subjective. If the person is disease free, then yes, it's hygienic. However, if you think of "hygiene" in terms of cleanliness, well, there could be certain odors associated with the menses that may be unpleasant and not considered hygienic," he says. Plus, the taste will be period-like, so a more "metallic" flavor. This stronger taste and odor could be less favorable for the "giver" in this scenario. Plus, if it makes the woman who is bleeding self-conscious, it'll wreck the mood.

Should You Do It?

At the end of the day, it is a personal choice, for both partners. "Many women are actually more sexually aroused while on their periods and would welcome oral sex. Others are more concerned with the 'ick' factor or with what their partner might think rather than with actually enjoying the act," he says.

"I'd advise that every couple has to individualize based on how they both feel. I'd also emphasize that you should refrain from this type of sexual practice if you are not in a stable, monogamous relationship or feel confident that you are both disease free," he says. Yet, if you're both down to do it, consider using a tampon or menstrual cup to keep things less messy, he suggests.

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