mercredi 11 juillet 2018
The 1 Foundation That Functions Just As Well at the Gym As It Does at the Office
I'm a sucker for a good foundation. I've tried just about every kind out there (and have an army of bottles in nearly every corner of my house to prove it). My ideal formula is a multitasker: it needs to cover up enough so I can look polished at work, but also be lightweight enough that I can wear it to the gym afterward without worrying about clogging my pores. And finally, I want my foundation to be cruelty-free because I'm vegan, and packed with high-quality, natural ingredients.
It's a tall order, but I finally found a foundation that does all that: Atmosphere Soft Focus Foundation from Vapour Organic Beauty. I loved it the instant I tried it - for more reasons than one. Ahead, I've rounded up exactly why this is one tube I'll never go without again.
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