mercredi 11 juillet 2018

I Wish Someone Had Told Me These 6 Tips Before I Did My First Boudoir Photo Shoot

I used to think boudoir photo shoots were cheesy and a bit tacky. Even though I had seen some gorgeous boudoir pictures in the past, some of which were of friends of mine, I still felt strange about getting photos done myself. After my best friend gave me a nudge (a very stern one), I decided to dive in headfirst and give the boudoir thing a try. After all, I'm not going to be young forever, and I figured my old grandma self in the future would appreciate my curves.

I signed up to work with Tonhya Wysong, a professional photographer who created a women's empowerment project called La Femme Forte. I'm thrilled I did, because it was one of the best decisions of my life. I loved every second of the shoot and couldn't believe how stunning the pictures looked when they were released! I would go back and do it all again. However, there are a few things I would've told myself just to be better prepared for the whole thing. If you're thinking about getting a boudoir shoot done – which you totally should - follow these six tips.


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