vendredi 3 juillet 2015

This Is How Your Face Changes After 30 Days of Drinking Water

We've all been told before to drink more water, but maybe it hasn't stuck with us just yet. From our friends at YourTango, see how 30 days of drinking water changed Sarah Smith's face. You may want a drink after this!

WOW - what a difference.
We're told over and over again about how good water is for us. You've probably heard the "8 cups of water a day" rule, but let's face it: that's tough when you have delicious soda and coffee and whatever else tempting you everywhere you go.

So, where can we find the motivation to drink wisely? This woman's before and after photos might just do the trick.

A 42-year-old woman named Sarah Smith wasn't drinking enough water, and decided to do something about it. After drinking three liters of water a day for 28 days, she shared her amazing results:

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

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