samedi 28 juillet 2018
I'm a Trainer, and These Are My 16 Favorite Ab-Sculpting Exercises

As a trainer, one of the most common areas my clients and friends always want to strengthen and tone is their abdomen. I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't let them - and all of you - know that spot reduction won't help you lose fat and build muscle anywhere, especially in your stomach.
It's also important for me to remind you that ab workouts alone won't transform your stomach. As annoying as it may be to hear, "abs are built in the kitchen." Better yet, ab visibility is built in the kitchen. It's going to take a combination of clean eating and the right workouts (I prefer high-intensity exercises to burn fat) to begin to see a change in your abs.
The options of exercises to strengthen and sculpt your core are endless, and these are my favorite to program into my clients' and my own workouts. Make your very own ab workout by choosing four to six of the following moves, completing each exercise for 30 seconds each for a total of four rounds.
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